Saturday, August 13, 2011

Level, Plumb And Square: advice On Mitering And Moldings

Level, Plumb And Square: advice On Mitering And Moldings

Today I would like to discuss with you the fundamentals of remodeling, either you are a seasoned pro, experienced do-it-your selfer, or just bob with a hammer:) level, plumb and quadrilateral are the foundation on which your project is built upon, this is especially true for carpenters and masons whose work relies upon these techniques. Over the years I have seen guys who did work such as framing out a basement and didn't use these principles. What they ended up with was doors that couldn't close, cracks and large gaps in the drywall, and numerous other problems that would have made a construction branch inspector call the cops.

If you are planning now or in the time to come to tackle a remodeling project, you must apply this or you will end up with a disaster and all your hard earned money will be wasted. Take bath additions, for example. Often you will have to frame out a wall or walls, it must be leveled properly, plumbed right, and squared. If you are tiling a wall all chalk lines must be level and in the case of floors, all things squared. In 2001 I had to redo a tile wall surround that a drunk handyman had installed and all things was so crooked that when you looked at it, you understanding you were going to keel over. Needless to say the homeowner was very angry, because they had to pay again to have it done over correctly.

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Level, plumb and quadrilateral applies to, but not exiguous to, framing walls; installing cabinets; installing doors; ceramic tile installations; sub flooring; roofing; molding installations; counter tops; ceiling installations; brickwork; cement work; fencing; drywall; and the list goes on. Always remember to do your homework before tackling any remodeling project. Figure out which techniques of level, plumb and quadrilateral are needed for your single renovation. Apply them and I certify you will come out with a problem-free, expertly done job and not something right out of Beetle juice!

Remember, the hallmark of a professional job is how you cease it. All too often, there are great tradesmen and craftsmen who are good at what they do, but unfortunately lack the proper skills to cease the job nicely. One area where you can heighten your expertise is to learn how to miter and cope, especially with moldings. Mitering and coping are vital skills for cease carpentry and trim carpentry. Mitered moldings gives your job that concluded look, and makes it a project you can be proud of. Mitering is basically geometry, measuring and cutting exact angles.

You can start by practicing on scrap pieces of wood, with your miter saw ( which is a vital tool for home remodeling.) Try different degrees and learn the differences between face and inside miter cuts. For very difficult angles, use a protractor as they can give you the exact degree to cut. Start with shoe and base moldings, window and trim casings, to gain more taste and reliance with mitering. This will help you become comfortable before you move on to the big boys, especially that monster of the molding world, crown molding.

This is a molding that can be highly difficult to miter and cut, there are so many techniques that you must learn first before taking this head on. Many a novice cease carpenter has had nightmares about cutting crown, so if you would like to install it yourself but have yet to develop your mitering skills, then I propose coping. Coping is a technique where you trim back the profile of the molding, enabling it to butt seamlessly against a 90 degree angle. It is much simpler and faster to master than mitering, especially if you are installing crown.

One end is coped, and one end is butted, so you can butt and cope, butt and cope, and so on. This formula is great for rooms that have 90 degree angles, but for rooms that have unusual or odd angles, then you must miter. Remember, custom makes perfect, the more you do it, the great you will become!

Level, Plumb And Square: advice On Mitering And Moldings

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